To live in Los Angles is to be part of a unique and vital experiment: the co-existence of a growing human population within the urban wilderness interface. L.A. is home to an extremely Diverse and fragile population of wildlife: raccoons, bobcats, cougars, coyotes, deer, hawks and owls galore! With real estate at a premium in this over-developed city, humans and wildlife are increasingly at odds over just who gets to use the land, and how. 

Im delighted to announce a new series of @publicdisplayofawareness ⚠️ road signs that give a voice to those who don’t have one . . .A cause very near and dear to my heart. 

Growing up on a nature preserve for Owls ????in Tennessee taught me a lot about the fragility of the ecosystem and the importance of conservation and preservation. So when The Citizens for Los Angeles Wildlife reached out to collaborate, it was a no brainer. 

@clawla is a non profit organization doing really crucial work at the forefront of urban wildlife advocacy. I’ve teamed up with them to design a very special series road signs for the city. The Purpose of these signs are to bring awareness to a growing list of concerns related to our native wildlife. My hope is that these simple signs will provide a moment of awareness and inspire people to really consider how much our activities and decisions endanger the animals amongst us. After all, they were here first ! 

Wildlife doesn’t stay inside the lines we draw on our maps to denote the spaces we intend to leave green which leads to Habitat fragmentation — A situation that occurs when animals lose their connectivity to wildlife corridors, and a growing cause of species endangerment. The butterflies and the bees are just the warning signs.

We had the honor and pleasure to debut the first set of signs in the gorgeous historical landmark @robinsongardens #BeverlyHills and look forward to working with more local municipalities and institutions to bring these signs to life ! Hit me up if you’d like to be a part of it !